Social Media Swatches

Here is an awesome page which includes the many different options of Social Media Icons for your website. I recommend that you look at these icons on a desktop or laptop so you can experience the floater effect of these amazing icons.

Bouncing Balls (Option 1)

Circles to Squares (Option 2)

Color Bordered (Option 3)

Colored Labeled Buttons (Option 4)

Fat Buttons (Option 5)

Flipping Buttons (Option 6)

Flat-Labeled Buttons (Option 7)

Floating Buttons (Option 8)

Minimal Colored (Option 9)

Monocolour (Option 10)

Mono Bordered (Option 11)

Neumorphic (Option 12)

Skewed Buttons (Option 13)

Simple Colored Buttons (Option 14)

Simple Plain Buttons (Option 15)

Spinners (Option 16)

Tabs (Option 17)

Underline (Option 18)